

Our Story

Serving Healthy Nutritious Meals To Bowls On A White Table

Welcome to my blog! Firstly, I’m not a doctor! I’m just someone from Singapore who strongly believes in what every ingredients – herbs, spices, vegetables, meat, fruits – have to bring to the table.

As we all know, Singapore is a melting pot of cuisines, incorporating a rich heritage of South East Asian influences – Chinese, Indonesian, Indian, Malaysian. A trip to one of the “Kopitiams”, aka coffee shops, or shopping malls will be as eye-opening as gastronomically gratifying. In other words, I’m always spoilt for choices, surrounded by food.

I had always been a glutton since the age of 7 years old, where I basically fed myself with not only the delicacy of Singaporean cuisine but also fast food, especially MacDonald’s. I thought binge-eating was the way to seek comfort from the feeling of shame and mockery that I got from people as a result of my poor image.

However, it wasn’t until the age of 16 where I lost 2 of my family members, who fought bravely with Cancer and Atherosclerosis respectively. One of the main factors of the deaths? Yes – it’s poor diet. It was then when I found out the strong correlation between nutrition of food and overall well-being.

Altogether, I feel that everything we put into our bodies has an effect on our health, regardless of its origin or preparation over the course of the supply chain. If you are like me, who may want to cover your unhappiness or sorrow by adopting an unhealthy eating habit, disregarding the risks and benefits of what nutrition each ingredient offers just in an effort to give you the temporary ‘high’, think again!

But fret not, because there’s still hope and it’s never too late to turn things around by eating more healthily starting from today! The first step? Educate ourselves about the nutrients and downsides that come with every raw materials that are consumable, because only then will we make the conscious decision to put what’s into our bodies!

Join me as I unearth the nutritional profile and benefits of each raw material in this world and publish weekly articles about how you could use these healthy ingredients in recipes!

Fresh and Healthy Ingredients On Display Wooden Table

Our Mission

Our mission at PaoFoodMedicine has always been to help home cooks make the sound decision when it comes to cooking, whether it’s during the pre-cooking, cooking, or post-cooking phase. From choosing the right ingredients for your nutritional needs, cooking by following simple recipes to learning the ways to store leftover ingredients, we’ve got you covered! Cooking for your loved ones or yourself should be a thing of joy, especially when you’re using whole food as the base of your healthy-cooking mission!

PaoFoodMedicine provides home cooks the confidence and support they need for cooking at home with easy-to-follow recipes, guidelines and educative content about nutrition for every ingredients used! Cooking should not ever be a daunting experience for you, but rather an enjoyable labour to express your love for the important people in your lives, which is what we are practicing at PaoFoodMedicine.

Pao Food Medicine About Us Photo

Pow Wei Hao


Hi guys! I’m Wei Hao. Previously I was a full-time student studying Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering. Afterwards, I became passionate in discovering nutrients out of every whole foods available, thus exploring ways in which I could employ these health benefits for the goodness of our overall well-being! That passion then translate to a desire to get my words and love for food out to you – which explains how PaofoodMedicine came about! Feel free to share any piece of article that you find valuable!

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